The Malta Motorsports and Tourism (MMT) group presented the petitions for the setting up of a multi-disciplinary race circuit facility in Malta to the Malta Motorsport Federation (MMF).
Mr. Keith Cutajar and Mr. Ronald Debattista, on behalf of the MMT, said that throughout the previous year and a half they’ve been collecting signatures in support of this much needed Motor Racing Circuit development in Malta. Cutajar stated that up till now, they have managed to collect nearly 4500 signatures, while remarking that more are on the way. Cutajar stressed that it is of utmost importance that the message is clear that a Motor Racing Circuit facility will help the sport and various stakeholders will benefit including the creation of new jobs and increase in sport tourism. Members of both political parties along with thousands of individuals have signed this petition.
MMF’s President Mr. Tonio Cini thanked MMT for taking such initiative and worked to collect such remarkable number of signatures in support for this very important project. Cini reiterated that the MMF is pioneering this Multi-Purpose Road Safety and Motor Racing Facility project which would be truly a multifunctional, having the possibilities for usage range from high quality road safety education for all target groups, to international motor racing activities. A Motor Racing Educational facility can bring a lasting change in driving behaviour, making the project programme sustainable and with wide, long-term social benefits. The creation of a multi-purpose facility will help to bring benefits to the local sporting clubs and various local Business enterprises.
Cini stressed that this petition is proof that a huge number of enthusiasts understood and support the need of such development in Malta. MMF will be committed to forward this petition to both political parties along with the MMF Project proposals.