The Malta Motorsport Federation (MMF) welcomes the important measures towards the progression of our sport with the announcement of the Expression of Interest to identify private investors interested in developing and managing of a Motorsport Racetrack by Hon. Minister Edward Scicluna in today’s Budget speech.
The Federation said that the Development of a Race Circuit in Malta was always the top priority of the Federation programme, as this would help the growth and the sustainability of the sport, thus reducing several expanses to our enthusiasts from travelling abroad to practice their sport in a proper safe environment. Moreover, the Federation also welcomes the elimination of registration Tax on Vintage Motorcycles which is giving another incentive to vintage and old vehicle collectors community thus eliminating the existing anomaly.
The Federation wishes to thank Hon. Edward Scicluna and Hon. Chris Agius and the government for such a concrete support by recognizing the added value that our sport can give to the economy sector.
Malta Motorsport Federation (MMF) jilqa ‘l- miżuri imhabbra fil-diskors tal- Baġit lejn l-progressjoni tal-isport tagħna ma ‘ l-aħbar tal -Espressjoni ta ‘ Interess biex jiġu identifikati investituri privati interessati fl-iżvilupp u l-ġestjoni ta’ Cirkwit tal-Motorsport mill-Onor . Ministru Edward Scicluna.
Il-Federazzjoni qalet li l-iżvilupp ta ‘ Cirkwit f’Malta kien dejjem l-ogħla prijorità tal-programm tal-Federazzjoni , ghax dan jgħin fit-tkabbir u s-sostenibbiltà tal- isport, biex b’hekk jitnaqqsu diversi spejjez u problemi lil dilettanti tagħna billi prezentement dawn iridu jivvjaġġaw barra l-pajjiż biex jipprattikaw isport tagħhom fil ambjent sikur xierqa . Barra minn hekk , il-Federazzjoni jilqa ‘wkoll l-eliminazzjoni ta’ taxxa ta ‘reġistrazzjoni fuq Muturi antiki li qiegħda tagħti inċentiv ieħor għall-kollezzjonisti ta’ da nil-aqasm biex b’hekk tigi eliminata l -anomalija eżistenti .
Il-Federazzjoni jixtieq jirringrazzja Onor . Edward Scicluna u l-Onor . Chris Agius u l-gvern tali appoġġ konkret billi rrikonoxxa l- valur miżjud li l-isport tagħna tista ‘tagħti lill settur ekonomiku