What do I need to do to apply for an event?

To apply for a Motorsport event an MMF affiliate needs to fill in the Organisation Permit Application Form. This must be present to the MMF at least 30 days prior to the event together with the fee of €20. If approved, MMF will issue a Clearance Certificate.

What happens if an affiliate needs to cancel or postpone and event?

To postpone or cancel an event please fill in the Permit Cancellation or Postponement Advice form at least 3 days prior to the event date.

How do I apply for my MMF National Drivers’ license?

To apply for a MMF National Drivers’ licence please download the form here. This must be presented to your club affiliated with MMF together with a recent passport photo and all medical certificates as required in the application form. Together with the form please present payment by cheque payable to Malta Motorsport Federation for the amount of €50. Your club has to present your application form properly endorsed to MMF who will, if all is in order, issue your licence within 7 days from receipt.

How do I renew my driver’s license?

To renew your driver’s license, follow the same procedure as applying for a new license but to it attach your expired license.

How does my driver’s license / validity work?

Your nation driver’s license is valid till 31st December and is valid for local events for which your license was issued. For example, if you applied for a National Hill Climb driver’s license, your license is only valid for local National Hill Climb events organised by an affiliate member of the MMF. Participating in any event which isn’t recognized and/or sanctioned by the MMF will immediately invalidate your license and will bar you from applying for such a license for 24 months.

How does the MMF track my event record?

MMF’s affiliated member clubs are required to hand in starting grid, participants list and final placing of all meetings/events held as part of the local Motorsport Calendar. MMF will subsequently update the records of every license holder accordingly. This information is vital if one wants to apply for an International Driver’s licence in the future.

Why do I need an MMF National Driver’s license?

Anyone participating in a Motorsport Event sanctioned by MMF must possess a National Driver’s license.