The Malta Motorsport Federation (MMF), with the help of MSA UK, ACI Sport Italia, SportMalta, EUPA and the FIA, have put together various training programs and exchanges for drivers and officials alike since 2011. These programs and exchanges were aimed to promote the best practise of the sport and guide the Federation, to understand better the obligations of being recognised as the National Sporting Authority (ASN) for motorsport for the Maltese islands.
As Motorsport continues to grow on a worldwide scale, the FIA felt the need to remind all ASNs to follow the proper guidelines when it comes to International event participation, more specifically to highlight an important matter related to the issuing of the FIA International Drivers’ license. In this regard, the FIA President, Mr Jean Todt has recently sent a letter to all ASNs reminding them to strictly follow, without further delay or procrastination, the FIA International Sporting Code (Code) which is the complete guideline, to take Competitors, drivers and officials from Karting to F1.
The FIA has also warned ASNs that it intends to take a more active role in policing the issuing of FIA International Drivers’ Licences. In this regard, the Federation, together with its Active Council, formed by a representative from each affiliated member club, has reviewed the Code and unanimously agreed, that as an affiliated member with the FIA, the Federation is obliged to follow the FIA International Sporting Code (Code) completely, irrespective how small our country is or how limited our resources are.
In this light, the Federation, with immediate effect, will issue the FIA International Drivers’ Licence, to drivers who full comprehend the requirements and obligations in accordance to the Code. The salient requirements, for a driver to be eligible for a FIA International Drivers’ license are the following;
1. Be fully aware of the obligations within the International Sporting Code
2. Have the necessary experience in motorsport to apply for a specific grading.
3. Have the necessary experience for the class you wish to compete in.
4. Not participate in competitions that are NOT sanctioned / approved by the ASN of that country.
5. Have passed the necessary medical certifications
6. Be in possession of the FIA Anti-Doping Race True certificate.
This also means that any person who shall be promoting, endorsing or competing in events that are not approved by the ASN of that country shall have their FIA International Drivers’ License revoked and / or application for the license declined, as the case may be.
In line with the issuing of FIA International Drivers’ Licences, which is governed by Chapter 1 of Appendix L of the International Sporting Code, the MMF has setup a Licensing Commission made up of Vice President William England and General Secretary Oliver Attard. It shall be their joint duty to review and accept all the FIA International Driver license applications, and, where in doubt will refer to the Administrative Council.
The MMF is confident that our FIA International Drivers’ License holders understand the importance of being at par with our foreign counterparts whereby we follow the same rules, without bringing the sport, themselves and their country into disrepute.
For further information or clarifications, please send queries to info@maltamotorsport.org
ISC – https://www.fia.com/file/64754/download/20745?token=OGx9D2E7
Appendix L – https://www.fia.com/file/64773/download/12831?token=rlLq1Fac