Between Thursday and Saturday, the 11th and the 13th Of July the Malta Drag Racing Association organized the 3rd Round of the Enemed National Drag Racing Championship at Hal Far Raceway. This round offers a different experience to the drivers and a different show to the drag racing fans that follow the races at Hal Far and on the Live Streaming since it is organized during the night to beat the heat during the day.
Drivers Neil Gauci, Felix Zarb, Billy Lowhing, Conrad Vella, Daniel Micallef, Chris Gauci, Christian Azzopardi, Semira Galea, Dennis Desira, and John Martin won the bracket classes. Luke Mercieca won Index Class 1 followed by Charlton Zammit and Clinton Degiorgio. Index Class 2 was won by Kevin Gauci, Neil Gauci, and Semira Galea. Franklyn Borg won the Motorcycles Bracket Class. Both Open Class 3 and Extreme 2 Class were won by Clint Fenech, Front Wheel Drive Open Class was won by Chris Gauci. Anthony Vella won the CA6 Class while Christian Pace won both Escort Class 2 and Escort Class 3. Mario Borg won the Open 6 Class while Glenn Caruana won the SM3 Class.
The results for the dragster classes were as follows; Drag Racing Driver Tyson Debono won the D4 and D5 class while Mario Borg won the D6, Alan Muscat won the DTF Class while the youngest driver on the day Luca Mangion won the Junior Dragster class. The best reaction time was that of Neil Gauci.
The fourth round of the Enemed National Drag Racing Championship is set for the 27th till the 29th of September again at Hal Far Raceway.
Bejn il-Ħamis 11 u is-Sibt 13 ta Lulju, ġewwa it-trakka tal-kwart ta mil ġie organizzat it-tielet rawnd tal-kampjonat nazzjonali Enemed Drag Racing. Dan ir-rawnd ġie organizzat mill-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija Għad-Drag Racing. Bħal ma jiġri kull sena dan ir-rawnd jkun differenti mill-erbgħa l-oħra peress illi isir matul il-lejl hu b’hekk huwa magħruf mad-dilettanti bħala il-kwart ta mil ta bil-lejl.
Il-Brackets intrebħu minn Neil Gauci, Felix Zarb, Billy Lowhing, Conrad Vella, Daniel Micallef, Chris Gauci, Christian Azzopardi, Semira Galea, Dennis Desira u John Martin. Index Class 1 intrebħet minn Luke Mercieca segwit minn Charlton Zammit u Clinton Degiorgio. Index Class 2 intrebħet minn Kevin Gauci, Neil Gauci u Semira Galea. Bracket tal-Muturi intrebħet minn Franklyn Borg. Open Class 3 u Extreme 2 Class intrebħu minn Clint Fenech, Front Wheel Drive Open Class intrebħet minn Chris Gauci. CA6 Class intrebħet minn Anthony Vella. Escort Class 2 u Class 3 intrebħu minn Christian Pace. Mario Borg Rebaħ l-Open 6 Class filwaqt li il-klassi SM3 intrebħet minn Glenn Caruana.
Id-diversi Klassijiet tad-dragsters intrebħu kif ġej, Tyson Debono rebaħ il-klassijiet D4 u D5 filwaqt li Mario Borg rebaħ id-D6, Alan Muscat rebaħ id-DTF Class u Luca Mangion rebaħ il-Junior Dragster. L-aqwa reazzjoni fuq id-dawl kienet dik ta Neil Gauci.
Ir-raba rawnd tal-Kampjonat Nazzjonali Enemed Drag Racing ser jittella bejn il-Ġimgħa 27 u il-Ħadd 29 ta Settembru.
Photo credit to Alex Buttigieg