Between Friday 13th and Sunday 15th of September, six Maltese racing drivers competed at the 61st Edition of the Monte Erice Hillclimb in Sicily. The Maltese Drivers were Noel Galea, Didier Bugeja, James Dunford, Darren Camilleri, David Grech, and Chris Xuereb. The event was organized by the Automobile Club of Trapani and it was the 8th round of the Italian National Hillclimb Championship organized by ACI Sport.
Noel Galea raced at Monte Erice several times and was really satisfied with the result since he broke his personal best with a staggering three seconds, finished first in class and third in his group.
For Didier Bugeja this was the first time at Monte Erice, did a great time of 3:37 minutes, finishing in 4th place of his class and 10th in a group of 27 cars.
This was the second appearance for Chris Xuereb at Monte Erice, Xuereb finished first in his class and the 19th amongst the 300 competitors.
James Dunford and Darren Camilleri experienced technical problems and could only hope for a better race at Monte Erice next year.
Bejn il-Ġimgħa 13 u Il-Ħadd 15 ta Settembru, sitt sewwieqa Maltin ikkompetew ġewwa Hillclimb fi Sqallija. Is-sewwieqa kienu Noel Galea, Didier Bugeja, James Dunford, Darren Camilleri, David Grech u Chris Xuereb. L-avveniment kien il-61 Edizzjoni tal-Hillclimb ta Monte Erice, organizzat mill-Klabb tal-Karozzi ta Trapani u it-8 rawnd tal-kampjonat nazzjonali tal-Hillclimb ta l-Italja organizzat mill-ACI Sport.
Noel Galea li saq din it-tela diversi drabi ħareġ sodisfatt għax irnexxielu inaqqas 3 sekondi fuq l-aħjar ħin tiegħu, spiċċa l-ewwel fil-klassi u it-tielet fil-grupp.
Għal Didier Bugeja din kienet l-ewwel darba ġewwa Monte Erice, irnexxielu jagħmel ħin tajjeb ta 3.37 minuti, b’hekk spiċċa fir-4 post tal-klassi tiegħu u fl-10 post minn grupp ta 27 karozza.
Għal-Chris Xuereb din kienet it-tieni apparenza tiegħu ġewwa Monte Erice, fejn spiċċa l-ewwel fil-klassi u id-19 mitt-300 kompetitur li saqu.
James Dunford u Darren Camilleri esperjenzaw problemi tekniċi, pero diġa bdew iħarsu il-quddiem għas-sena d-dieħla.