Valletta Grand Prix has appointed ICC – Island Car Club in collaboration with MMF – Malta Motorsport Federation as the officials responsible for the Sprint Runs, Full Circuit and driver’s paddock activities happening throughout the weekend of Saturday and Sunday 8th and 9th May.
ICC and MMF responsibilities will entail the management, safety and control aspects concerning all circuit activities, such as Time-keeping – Start/Finish, Marshalling, and crowd control to ultimately guarantee a well administered event for the drivers/participants and safety for the spectators. They will also be responsible for the management of the driver’s paddock area.
VGPF & ICC have appointed:
Ron Middleton – Chief Steward
Tonio Cini – Clerk of the Course,
Duncan Barbaro Sant – Circuit Coordinator & Steward,
Mark Galea – Deputy Clerk of the Course,
Jonathan Tonna – Deputy Circuit Coordinator,
Peter Borg – Chief Marshal,
Kevin Monreal – Paddock Marshal,
Gordon Pace – Time Keeper,
Keith Bajada – Deputy Time Keeper,
Robert Cauchi – ICC Inspector.
MMF has appointed:
George Abdilla – MMF Inspector
Frans Deguara – Race Observer – Sector A
Michael Debono – Race Observer – Sector B
MMF are currently running Volunteer Marshalling Training Courses and all those who would like to get involved in assisting Motor Sport in Malta are requested to send an email to:
· MMF – Malta Motorsport Federation on volunteers@maltamotorsport.org
Malta Motorsport Federation with the support of ASM – Assocjazzjoni Sport Muturi and IMRC – Island Motorcycle Racing Club, will be organising two more sessions for volunteers to be trained in Circuit racing events.
The next session will be held on Friday 30th April 2010 at 5pm at ASM Track Ta’ Qali. During this session, volunteers will be briefed before participate in race simulations that will help them get the feel of circuit races. This training will help volunteers to response correctly when faced with a particular situation during circuit racing. Furthermore, volunteers attending this session will also be given instructions on the use of a Fire Extinguisher, basic First Aid response and the correct use of 2 way radio communications.
Above sessions are all free of charge and those Marshals attending these sessions and then assist in the Valletta Gran Prix event will be presented with Certificate of Participation and Valletta Gran Prix merchandized material of the event.
Furthermore, Mr. Frans Deguara, ASM President and MMF Commissioner, will be briefing Drivers/Participants of the Valletta Gran Prix Races, on Wednesday 28th April 2010 during the Drivers Briefing at Excelsior Hotel at 6:30pm.
Valletta Grand Prix Teams Up with OMC
Valletta Grand Prix have entrusted the Old Motors Club with all pre Main Event Programme and activities, which include carcade parade runs to various locations in Malta and Gozo on from Tuesday 3rd May to Friday 7th May and the Static Car Shows happening on Saturday and Sunday 8th and 9th May.
The various runs across Malta and Gozo will include historic sites, touristic routes and venues. The climax to these activities will be The HSBC Concours D’Elegance in collaboration with Valletta Grand Prix Foundation to be held on Friday 7th May at Valletta Waterfront Cruise Liner Terminal – VISET.
OMC in collaboration with MMF – Malta Motorsport Federation will be responsible for the Static Car Shows. These events will be held at the Valletta Ditch between Valletta Bus Terminus – Fountain to where the Sunday Flea Market is held. OMC will coordinate the participation of its own Club Members, whilst MMF will be informing its Federation members about the opportunity to participate in this event. MMF will be collaborating with OMC. OMC have been appointed by VGPF to be responsible for the logistics and management of the Static Car Shows.
All motoring enthusiasts are welcome to join all or part of these activities. The choice is yours. These events are FREE and shall all commence in the morning. Every morning the meeting venue will be the Grand Hotel Excelsior. Look at the Schedule on our website www.vallettagrandprix.com for exact routes, timings and last minute updates.
To register you interest as a participant in the week’s activities or for Static show please contact:
· OMC Members – Charles Sammut on email chaliesammut@gmail.com or on 9984 1406
– MMF Members – Mark Zammit – MMF Events Coordinator on email events@maltamotorsport.org or on 99452329