1. Membership

Membership of the Federation is open to non-profit making Clubs, Foundations and Associations situated within the Republic of Malta, which are legitimate motorsport and/or motoring related entities which practice, organize and/or render distinguished services and/or events related to the cause of sport of motoring and/or motorsport and are recognised by the Executive Council of the Federation as representing the interests of their members in accordance with the Laws of Malta and which shall not employ violent and/or illegal or criminal methods in furtherance of their objectives.

2. Membership of Clubs, Foundations and Associations

a) Member Clubs, Foundations and Associations are those which organize motoring or motorsport related activities in accordance with those rules which the club, foundation or association may determine from time to time.

b) Prior to admittance by the Executive Council as a Member, such Club, Foundation or Association must satisfy the Executive Council that it is a properly constituted club, foundation or association, and is practicing and organizing events in such a way as to be able to fulfil the obligations as a Member of the Federation.

c) Clubs, Foundations and/or Associations wishing to apply for affiliation shall do so in writing to the General Secretary of the Federation. The application shall include a copy of the club, foundation or association statute, a list of committee members including the Identity Card number of each member and committee position and a copy of the minutes of the most recent Annual General Meeting. If affiliation is approved by the Executive Council of the Federation, the club, foundation or association shall agree to be bound by this statute and the rules of the Federation, and the International sporting code of the International ruling body.

d) Member Clubs, Foundations and Associations must ensure that they can take all decisions regarding membership of their Club, Foundation or Association independently of any foreign body.

e) The Executive Council of the Federation shall have the power to approve or refuse an application for affiliation to the Federation without the obligation of giving reasons for a refusal.

f) Members shall submit annually, their General Meeting minutes and report, and information of any changes in the committee as soon such changes and/or general meetings take place. Members are not required to submit their financial accounts.

3. Entrance Fees and Annual Renewal Fee

a) The affiliation fee for newly admitted Members is one hundred and twenty euro (€120) payable in advance and shall be deemed to expire on the next 31st October.

b) The renewal fee, payable in advance by not later than the first day of October in each year, is eighty euro (€80).

c) The Membership fee duration will be for 12 calendar months up to the last day of October of each year.

4. Payment of Membership Fee.

a) Any Membership which, after due notice in writing by the Treasurer of the Federation, fails to pay the annual subscription fee by the last day of December, may be removed by the Executive Council from the roll of membership. The decision of the Executive Council shall be final and binding.

b) For any Membership fee which is paid later than the last day of October of each year, a ten euro (€10) administrative fee is levied for each month of delay up to 31st December.

c) Any renewal from the 1st January is to be considered as a new membership fee – €120.

Click here to download the MMF Club Affiliation application form

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