Mr. Whippy Racing Team and Glenn Borg at Santa Pod
Two Maltese drag racing teams earn huge respect for themselves at the EuroFinals in SantaPod in the United Kingdom.
Mr. Whippy Racing Team competed and won the Top Methanol Dragster Class after a whole week full of problems. The team went to SantaPod with two drivers, Matthew Carabott, that earlier this year got his racing license at the same track, and, Monty Bugeja. Carabott lost his test runs on Wednesday so his adventure had to stop there. Bugeja lost the first two Qualifying rounds on Friday due to engine problems. Engine trouble sorted on Saturday it was time for the transmission to create some issues meaning that the car was launching in second gear losing precious time. The team did only 4 runs, but all the hard work paid off in the final with an impressive run of 5.303 seconds at 268 MpH and win their class.
The other team at SantaPod was that of Glenn Borg. The success of Glenn Borg is to be calculated on the 3 runs out of 5 rounds of the FIM European Championship he competed in this year. With only 3 events Borg finished this championship in the 4th Place of the biggest class in the championship. The three drivers that outweighed Borg were the only drivers that competed in all 5 events.
Żewġ timijiet Maltin jakkwistaw rispett kbir ġewwa il-EuroFinals tad-Drag Racing f’SantaPod fir-Renju Unit.
Mr. Whippy Racing Team ikkompeta u rebaħ il-klassi Top Methanol Dragster wara ġimgħa sħiħa ta problemi. It-tim mar l-Ingilterra b’żewġ sewwieqa, Matthew Carabott, li aktar kmieni din is-sena kiseb il-liċenzja tat-tiġrijiet tiegħu fl-istess trakka, u, Monty Bugeja. Carabott tilef l-ewwel żewġ ġirjiet ta prova nhar l-Erbgħa u għalhekk l-avventura tiegħu kellha tieqaf hemm. Bugeja tilef l-ewwel żewġ rawnds ta ’Kwalifikazzjoni nhar il-Ġimgħa minħabba problemi fil-magna. L-inkwiet tal-magna ġie segwit minn inkwiet fit-trasmissjoni, bil-konsegwenza li l-karozza bdiet taqla fuq it-tieni gear. Eventwalment it-tim għamel 4 ġirjiet biss, iżda x-xogħol iebes fl-aħħar wassal biex fil-finali it-tim għamel ġirja impressjonanti ta’ 5.303 sekondi, b’ 268 MpH u rebaħ il-klassi.
It-tim l-ieħor ġewwa SantaPod kien it-tim ta’ Glenn Borg. Is-suċċess ta ‘Glenn Borg għandu jiġi kkalkulat mill fatt li Borg ikkompeta biss fit-3 rawnds mill-5 li kellu il-Kampjonat Ewropew tal-FIM. Bi 3 avvenimenti biss Borg temm dan il-kampjonat fir-4 post tal-ikbar klassi fil-kampjonat. It-tliet sewwieqa li għelbu lil Borg kienu l-uniċi sewwieqa li kkompetew fil-5 avvenimenti kollha.