Between Friday 27th and Sunday 29th of September, the Malta Drag Racing Association organized the fourth round of the Enemed National Drag Racing Championship at Hal Far Raceway.
Reuben Micallef won the bracket between 13 and 13.49 seconds, Steve Bugeja won the bracket between 12 and 12.49 seconds, Hadrian Borg won the bracket between 11 and 11.49 seconds, Catriel Dimech won the bracket between 10.50 and 10.99 seconds, Noel Buttigieg won the bracket of between 9.50 and 9.99 seconds while Mark Bugeja and Dennis Desira won the brackets of 8.50 and 8.99 seconds and bracket 8 and 8:49 respectively. Index Class 1 and 2 were won by Luke Mercieca and Semira Galea, while Kain Gauci won Index Class 3.
Mark Farrugia won the Open Two class and the Extreme 2 class. Dennis Desira won class CA6. Clinton Degiorgio won the Front Wheel Drive class, Noel Debattista won the Nitro class. Antoine Schembri won the D5 class while Luca Mangion won the class for Junior Dragsters. Daniel Micallef won the Outlaw Front Wheel Drive class while Chantelle Zammit won both Escort Class 2 and Escort Class 3. Nicholas Farrugia won the Open Class 6.
In the motorcycles classes, Chris Vella won the bracket of between 8.5 and 8.99 seconds and the 8.5 Motorcycle index class while Briegal Micallef won the Open Motorcycle Class and Class SS1.
The best reaction time on lights was that of John Camilleri.
Ir-Raba rawnd tal-kampjonat nazzjonali Enemed Drag Racing.
The fifth and final round of the Enemed Hillclimb Championship is set to be organized between Thursday the 14 and Sunday the 17th at Hal Far Raceway.
Bejn il-Ġimgħa 27 u il-Ħadd 29 ta Settembru l-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija għad-Drag Racing organizzat ir-raba rawnd tal-kampjonat Nazzjonali Enemed National Drag Racing Championship ġewwa it-trakka tagħhom f’Ħal Far.
Reuben Micallef rebaħ il-bracket ta bejn 13 u 13.49 sekondi, Steve Bugeja rebaħ il-bracket ta bejn it-12 u 12.49 sekondi, Hadrian Borg rebaħ il-bracket ta bejn il-11 u 11.49 sekondi, Catriel Dimech rebaħ il-bracket ta bejn 10.50 u 10.99 sekondi, Noel Buttigieg rebah il-bracket ta bejn 9.50 u 9.99 sekondi filwaqt li Mark Bugeja u Dennis Desira rebħu il-brackets ta 8.50 u 8.99 sekondi u bracket ta 8 u 8.49 rispettivament. Index Class 1 u 2 ġew mirbuħa minn Luke Mercieca u Semira Galea, u Kain Gauci rebaħ Index Class 3.
Mark Farrugia rebaħ il-klassijiet Open 2 u extreme 2. Dennis Desira rebaħ il-klassi CA6. Clinton Degiorgio rebaħ il-klassi Front Wheel Drive u Noel Debattista rebah il-klassi Nitro. Antoine Schembri rebaħ il-klassi D5 filwaqt li Luca Mangion rebaħ il-klassi Junior Dragster. Daniel Micallef rebaħ il-klassi Front Wheel Drive Outlaw filwaqt li Chantelle Zammit rebhet kemm il-Klassi Escort 2 kif ukoll il-Klassi Escort 3. Nicholas Farrugia rebaħ il-klassi Open 6.
Fil-klassijiet tal-muturi Chris Vella rebaħ il-bracket ta bejn 8.5 u 8.99 sekondi u Motorcycle index 8.5 filwaqt li Briegal Micallef rebaħ il-Klassi SS1 u Motorcycle Open Class.
Alan Muscat rebaħ Plattina għal Klassi DTF u DTA6. L-aħjar reazzjoni fuq il-ħin kienet dik ta John Camilleri.
Il-Ħames rawnd u il-finali tal-kampjonat nazzjonali Enemed Drag Racing ser jigi organizzat bejn il-Ħamis 14 u il-Ħadd 17 ta Novembru, dejjem fit-trakka ta Ħal Far.