Rosello Cassar sewwieq popolari tad-Drag Racing li din is-sena qiegħed jiċċelebra għoxrin sena ta sewqan f’dan l-isport jinsab ġewwa Santa Pod fl-Ingilterra fejn bejn is-17 u id-19 ta Mejju ser jkun qiegħed jikkompeti f’avveniment bl-isem ta Doorslammers.
Doorslammers huwa avveniment li kien popolari mmens fis-sebgħinijiet u fit-tmeninijiet proprju fl-istess trakka ta Santa Pod. Ftit tas-snin ilu reġa beda dan l-avveniment, b’format ġdid, ikbar u malajr sar aktar popolari billi attira ħafna sewwieqa.
Apparti Rosello Cassar ser jkun hemm ukoll sewwieq Malti ieħor Paul Fenech li ser isuq karozza Escort ukoll, din d-darba ta Andy Harris.
Kemm Rosello Cassar u Paul Fenech, huma membri tal-Malta Drag Racing Association u sewwieqa regolari u ta suċċess ġewwa t-trakka tal-kwart ta mil f’Ħal Far
Rosello Cassar a Drag Racing driver that this year is celebrating his twenty years of racing is celebrating this anniversary with his MK1 Escort at Santa Pod in England. Between the 17th and the 19th of May Cassar will be competing at Doorslammers.
Doorslammers is an event that was extremely popular in the seventies and eighties at the same raceway, Santa Pod. A few years ago this event resumed with, a new format, much bigger and is quickly becoming popular attracted huge crowds and many drivers.
Besides Cassar there will also be another Maltese Drag Racing Driver Paul Fenech that will be racing another Escort MK1 of Andy Harris.
Both Cassar and Fenech, are members of the Malta Drag Racing Association, regular and successful drivers at Hal Far Raceway.