In line with the FIA ASN Development guide the MMF are proud to announce that we have reached another milestone in the process of correct ASN practise and alignment to International processes. This has been achieved with the inclusion of Personal Accident insurance coverage in all driving licenses from Provisional to International.

The importance of such coverage has been a pressure point by many drivers and clubs alike for the past 5 years. Our member clubs agreed that this coverage should be an integral part of the license, apart form also being in line with the FIA ASN development guide.

All license costs listed in the Competition License Application Form include the Personal Accident Coverage, unless where noted.

The Personal Accident covernote and policy information is found in the links below for information and perusal. This coverage is valid Worldwide and covers drivers and officials alike.

It is important to highlight that for the cover to be active the event that the licensee takes part in must be;

1. Sanctioned by the MMF or the ASN of the country of the event. This applies to Testing / Training also.

2. The MMF needs to be officially notified in writing prior to your overseas participation in the event. Licensee must send an email with event information and participation.

3. Any official training sessions must be advised to the MMF

NB. This coverage DOES NOT cover passengers during passenger rides.

Subjectivities / Information

Underwriters will not provide cover for any testing/training without supervision of marshals and officials. It must have MMF’s full approval and be a formally recorded event in advance of it taking place.

For cover to apply Overseas it must be an event approved by the Local National Governing Body if not then the cover wouldn’t apply. Participants will need to notify MMF so that there is a record and audit trail.

Participants holding provisional, national or international licence will be covered under this policy. Guests of ride what you bring will not be covered under this policy.

Policy can only be purchased if you have a license.

Policy covers list of licence holders as submitted by MMF.

Download Personal Accident Insurance Policy