Press Release: 23/03/2011

FIA Institute Development Programme in Malta
The Malta Motorsport Federation (MMF) made successful applications in 2010 – with the support of the Kunsill Malti ghall-iSport (KMS) – to the FIA Institute (FIAI) for grant aid to assist with the development of a range of officials safety training initiatives culminating in the establishment of a three year strategy to enable a consistent approach to safety and risk management for the sport. This initiative follows a preliminary visit to Malta by the MSA’s Head of External Affairs, Allan Dean-Lewis, in 2009, and subsequent visits by the MMF to the FIAI in Paris and to the MSA in London.
An assessment visit has now been undertaken by the MSA’s Allan Dean-Lewis and Sue Sanders, and hosted by Tonio Cini as President of the MMF, and representatives of all the member clubs of the MMF were invited to attend an open forum for an exchange of views to ensure that future plans take full account of individual needs.
As a result of this consultation, and with the approval of the MMF Executive Committee, the MSA will develop a train the trainer programme and a range of other proposals, including Young Driver safety development programmes, which will form a framework for the MMF’s three year strategy as the basis for all future training and development needs; seeking to align with the European Qualifications Framework to provide marshals and officials transferable skills as a result of their interest and participation in motor sport which can also benefit their own current and future employment prospects.
Commenting on the visit, Mr Allan Dean-Lewis, Head of Foreign Affairs of MSA said:
“Since my first visit two years ago, the MMF has worked hard and demonstrated great enthusiasm in all they have done, and it is a privilege and a pleasure for the MSA to assist the MMF in the next stage of its development. The support of KMS is a key endorsement of the importance of the work we are collectively undertaking, and we look forward to the relationship and friendship between us providing both medium and long term benefits to all concerned.”
Tonio Cini, MMF President said:
“For the first time, after just 4 years since its establishment, the MMF will be in a position to give training for up to 16 Training Officials and 20 Young Drivers as a result of this grant aid. We are thankful to MSA who we selected to assist us in this work, and to KMS for their support throughout to secure this initiative for Malta. It marks a new approach and a new way of thinking for our sport, and which we welcome.”
Mr Bernard Vassallo, KMS Chairman said:
“KMS is pleased to assist both as regards to the potential in Motorsport and the good relations with the Malta Motorsport Federation, as the leading figure in local motorsport encompassing the diverse clubs and disciplines in motorsport, but above all because such initiatives are built on a long term strategy with clear targets in developing motorsport. KMS is pleased to present this assistance to MMF for this project.”
MMF & MSA visit to Mr Bernard Vasallo (CEO KMS) and Mr Angelito Sciberas (Head of Secretariat, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth & Sport) at Santa Venera, 22 March 2011.
The Malta Motorsport Federation (MMF) was formed as a national governing body in 2007 to bring together all motor sport interests on the Maltese islands. It is recognised by the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) based in Paris, as the world governing body of motorsport.
The Motor Sports Association (MSA) is the UK national governing body of motor sport, and with more than 100 years of history and experience, it has been recognised by the FIA Institute for Motor Sport Safety and Sustainability (FIAI) as one of only two Regional Training Providers across the world, which enables other countries to benefit from the MSA’s experience through the provision of grant aid, particularly in the area of Officials Training.